Sunday, October 26, 2014

Some photos from our Defenders of Faith class.  They are acting out a dramatic scene from the scriptures.  (Even cooler than that:  they are building their own suits of armor!)

I don't know about you, but I think those are about the cutest kids in the world!  And such good boys.

Camelot Commonwealth is in full swing for the 2014-15 school year.  It is off to an amazing start!  We have a great team of mom's on the job, and the most wonderful youth.  What a blessing to be a part of something so great.
Here are just a few pictures to show our first few weeks of school.  I will try to be better at posting every week.  Sometimes we are having too much fun, and I forget to snap pictures!  
Our schedule includes:  Defenders of the Faith for boys up to age 12, and GRACIOUS girls for girls the same ages, Building and Making class, P.E., and boys and girls club.
For the older youth, we do P.E., 30 minute missions and Public Speech.
It's so great!!!
This is our very first gathering time.  Everyone is excited to be there!

We sing a song, pray, say the pledge of allegiance, recite a scripture and a poem.

Our lovely Vanna White is showing our Code of Conduct, complete with hand drawn visuals by an artist who is famous in her own home.  (We love her to pieces.)

This crazy conglomeration of Kids is the Human Knot.  Our first simulation.

They worked very well as a team. 

These youth are participating in a 30 minute mission.  These will include logic challenges, team-building exercises, games and service opportunities.

They need to all be on the rug and flip it over without anyone getting off of it for this challenge.

It took them a little while to figure out the trick, but they got it.